About ‘Green Path’

Green Path is most obviously a photographic diary of the natural world around me, Malcolm Tattersall, here in Townsville but also deals with a loose group of subjects centred on environmental science, philosophy and communication. It is ‘Green’ for the natural world, environmentalism, sustainability, growth and renewal; ‘Path’ for a way to the future, a way through ethical challenges, a link between people.

I have been a teacher and writer, a professional communicator in both roles, for more than twenty years. (A Writer’s Path will tell you a little more about me and lead you to a proper CV). Neither a scientist nor even a science teacher, I have enough of a scientific background to have become first puzzled and then deeply concerned by the way climate science has been misrepresented and attacked for bringing us vitally important but inconvenient news.

Grevilleas, Burra Range
Grevilleas, Burra Range

Looking for answers to the puzzle brought me to consider our motivation: just why should we care about the environment anyway? Looking after the natural world seemed automatic and obvious to me, but many others clearly don’t see it that way. That leads into philosophy (and occasional glances at various religions) and the arts of communication and persuasion.

People don’t care for what they don’t know, so I will be sharing my love of the thriving insect world all around us through photos and stories which may in fact make up the majority of my blog posts – my working title for the project was, in fact, Bugblog.

Please join me on the Green Path.

Malcolm Tattersall,
Townsville, Australia,
April 2011


August 2013

It’s two and a half years into the project and I’ve been tidying up loose ends.

The blog has changed a little as time passed but the original core is still strong. One regret – almost the only one, actually – is that I haven’t found the time for the longer, more philosophical, pieces I intended to write under the ‘ethics’ heading. The will to do so is still there but I have found that a couple of wildlife-diary posts are all I can usually fit into a week’s blogging time. I will find more time eventually!

April 2016

Another two and a half years down the track, and I’m tidying up and re-arranging the site again. Incidentally, but not entirely coincidentally, the whole site is now mobile-friendly.

The blog will continue as before but some of the sections which are not closely related to my core subjects will be moved to other parts of the site – check on malcolmtattersall.com.au (without the “/wp”) if something you remembered being here has vanished.

May 2020

Another five years on, another reorganisation. The musical content of my original (iinet) website is now following its non-musical content (which was the core of Words & Images) to this site. For these historical reasons this site is divided into three main sections, i.e., Green Path, Music, and Words & Images.

For technical reasons the “search” box will only search the section you are visiting at the time. Likewise, the “home” page you reach by clicking on the site title is the home of the section. These links are shortcuts to all three sections:

9 thoughts on “About ‘Green Path’”

  1. Looking good! This theme the best I think so far to convey your variety of interests in an attractive but non-cluttered presentation, and also easy on the eye.

  2. Love the site Malcolm! I look forward to checking in regularly and following your articles and photos…

  3. Hullo Malcolm
    Margaret Caley has just put me on to your website and I want to congratulate you on such a relevant (from the point of view especially of climate change issues) and to Townsville and environs (where I am no longer, since Nov 2010 having moved to Mooloolah Valley behind Caloundra) collection of writings and thoughts and references. I love the Burra range grevilleas..I had to drive west to Richmond once a year for my work for 8 years and always looked out for the grevilleas. They are a special and unexpected treat. I wonder if you have ever done the Savannahlander trip? The grevilleas out there on the Newcastle range (with the Brachychitons nearby) are lovely too. I plan to link my Townsville friends to your site. From the point of view of local sustainability in the food department, I wonder if you have heard of the Food for Thought group, operating from a base at Organigallery in the Mall. They are pursuing more sustainable ways of feeding ourselves. Best wishes, and keep writing.

  4. Nice to hear from you, Stephanie!
    I have been up to Undara and Chillagoe but haven’t (yet) done the Savannahlander. I have a Melbourne visitor arriving next week and I would like to show her that area or the Burra Range and Ravenswood; we’ll see how adventurous we get.
    Food for Thought sounds good. I must investigate.
    All the best for your new home.

  5. Hi Malcolm,
    I was thrilled to reconnect with you after all these years via Facebook, and even more delighted to see your excellent work via this website.
    I’ve been building my ‘art action’ website, GlobalArtsCollective.org (GAC) for a little while now, and still have much to do to improve the template, since I’m using Dreamweaver, but I love working independently.
    Warmest wishes,

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Maireid :-)
      A quick look at your site suggests that I’m going to enjoy looking around it at greater length and that it deserves any support I can offer – I will be in touch again about it soonish, I hope.

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