A spectacular grasshopper

Blue and yellow grasshopper
Queensland Spotted Pyrgomorph, Greyacris profundesulcata

I have never seen these on the mainland but there were obviously quite a lot of them on Magnetic Island. This one (with a lot of friends and relations) was near the old car ferry terminal at Arcadia, and I saw another at Picnic Bay.

I have seen photos of some beautifully coloured grasshoppers from the far north and west of Australia (e.g. Orange grasshopper and Litchfield’s Grasshopper, Kakadu) but I never realised that we had anything comparable here.

I would say this guy made my day, except that it was already a great day – sunshine, beaches and a long weekend ahead of us … when life is this good we should notice and remember it.

Blue and yellow spotted grasshopper
Another view

One thought on “A spectacular grasshopper”

  1. I found one of these little fellows a couple of weeks ago. And it just blew me away. So beautiful. I sent a picture to a friend and they thought it was a painted art piece. I assured them it was real.

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